The Cox Flexion Distraction Technique: An Alternative to Back Surgery?

Gentle. Non-surgical. No force.

Get Relief Now

Flexion Distraction Technique: Evidence-based. Documented Protocols.


Since its invention some 40 years ago by Dr. James M. Cox, DC, DACBR, the Cox Flexion Distraction Technique has undergone many studies proving its effectiveness.


 Federally funded studies as well as biomechanical, statistical, medical, chiropractic and clinical researchers continue to study the Flexion Distraction for spine pain.


In fact, as an alternative to back surgery for pain relief, groups like the American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society, recommend spinal manipulation for the primary care of low back pain.


The Flexion Distraction Technique is a gentle, safe, and controlled treatment for spinal pain relief.

How the technique works

The Cox Flexion Distraction Technique helps your spine heal properly, keeping it as pain free as possible.


It does this by widening the spinal canal area by as much as 28%, dropping intradiscal pressure as low as 192mmHg.


In other words, the Cox Technique reduces pressure in the disc, opening up the hole where the nerve comes out by 28%.


The Technique has proven effective for decompressing spinal nerves and treating low back pain, neck and arm pain, as well as leg pain.


But that’s not all.

Length of Treatment


Each person is different and will require their own individualized care plan of recovery, depending on the condition to be treated.


Dr. Weiland will discuss with you a recommended treatment plan. Once the treatment plan has been established, you and Dr. Weiland establish will determine the number and frequency of your visits.


For any condition, Dr. Weiland’s goal for you is to reduce pain, increase your mobility, and help return you to the activities you love as quickly as possible.


What Treatment Looks Like

It’s relaxing! There are no sudden moves or noise. Treatment is gentle but working hard to correct your spinal imbalance.

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